Episode +6—Same Energy
I’m working on a series of studio paintings, a.k.a. My Big-Time Artist Studio Watercolors That Have Deadlines And Stuff. I couldn’t justify shutting that down to paint U2 this time. Or to put it another way, I had a couple of Achtoon ideas for this episode, but they were way too hard. Probably would’ve taken me over a month to do them justice. I’m just too busy right now! MAYBE THIS SUMMER, OKAY?
But this idea seemed doable, and its production destroyed only one (1) holiday weekend.
I always wanted to make videos when Achtoon Baby was on AtU2. Lately on Twitter I’ve been posting gifs of U2 paired with things that have the same energy. I may never top the comedic triumph that is The Bono Seal.
But I’m pleased to bring you a short film festival where U2 and Some Other Thing have the…
Now, occasionally U2 will do something where it’s pretty clear that they’re trying to have the same energy as another pop culture touchstone. The most obvious example is their video for “Discotheque” and its blatant tribute to The Village People (sound on for all of these videos, btw).
And elements of ZooTV are clearly shout-outs to Dr. Strangelove. Bono’s current glasses? While they’re probably a nod to John Lennon more than anything else, I think the Strangelove energy is undeniable.
Other times, U2 has the idea first, and others pay tribute to them. I kind of doubt that Quentin Tarantino was influenced by the video for “New Year’s Day,” but…you tell me. Behold my favorite videos featuring horses in the snow and fake red skies, together at last.
For the ultimate February movie experience, Fargo is impossible to beat. And during the 80s, U2 were the go-to band for winter imagery. I call this one The Unforgettable Fargo.
Did Edge channel his inner Travolta in the video for “Pride (In The Name Of Love)?” In Dirty Dancing, did Patrick Swayze channel his inner Bono from the same clip?
In the Pop song “Miami,” Bono mentions details from Pulp Fiction, and check out what happens when you put that film’s opening scene over the bottom half of the video for “If God Will Send His Angels.”
And no one’s saying the video for “Last Night On Earth” had anything to do with the opening credits for “The Dukes Of Hazzard.” Until me. Until now. Remove the post-apocalyptic storyline and it cannot be denied.
Okay, the above wacked-out connections have been on my mind for years if not decades. I can’t tell you how satisfying it was to put those videos together. After going through what seemed like an 18-step production process and uploading them to YouTube, who screamed at me “HEY YOU BETTER NOT BE MONETIZING THIS STUFF BECAUSE OMG COPYRIGHTS” (I would never dream of monetizing), I love them as if they were my own children. And if you find yourself missing regular, non-moving, goofy U2 pictures, I urge you to check out what Fake Bono has been up to lately.