Episode +12—The U2 Night Sky
(Note: this will probably look better on a laptop/computer/iPad than a phone. There’s lots of little details—you’ll see.)
Pradip D. Patel is @U2photography on IG and @Pradip4Peds on Twitter. His photos are wonderful.
Prints of The U2 Night Sky are here (with stars or without stars). Prints of each member of U2 are here: Adam, Edge, Bono, Larry. Those have stars. (Please don’t ask me to upload four more individual versions without stars!) I recommend scrolling down and buying paper prints if you want to DIY a frame, or you can just tack them up on a bulletin board. All paper choices are good, but Enhanced Matte is the least expensive and looks great, and Hahnemule Torchon mimics my watercolor paper perfectly.
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